The Nocturne
The Nocturne
Today's New Moon in Sagittarius

Today's New Moon in Sagittarius

Here's how to make the most of the day.

In today’s episode, you’ll discover:

3 Ways to celebrate the new moon

Why Jupiter going direct is a game changer

How you can get clear on your goals and really feel the feelings to get you closer to achieving them

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Happy New Moon!


The Nocturne
The Nocturne
Where writers find their voice, discover how to make a living as a writer, and connect with the cosmos for creative growth. Hosted by Licia Morelli, Best-selling and award-winning author of THE LEMONADE HURRICANE & I AM DARN TOUGH (Tilbury House). Head of Arista Management Group Literary Division. Editor & Publisher. Writing features include Vanity Fair, Elite Daily, Bustle, and more.