Apr 17·edited Apr 21Liked by Licia Morelli

You have so much amazing + actionable advice! Have you ever thought about creating a guided journal for your paid subscribers for them to follow along with you on some of these exercises? I could see myself using it in the morning to center myself for the day. If you already have something like that, please direct me to it! Astrology fascinates me but can also be overwhelming. You have a great way of breaking it down.

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Very helpful ideas. I'm not a Mercury retrograde natally. (Grammarly is not happy w/ natally and changes it to naturally.) However, I generally write more! As I mentioned in my survey, I've become unmoored without the accountability of my writing community. I wrote more since the retrograde shadow began, than I have all year.

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Hi Sandra! Thank you, again, for all your feedback! I’m starting to work on this offer and would love to know — from a guided journal perspective would you want it daily? 3 times a week? Or what would your ideal guided journaling experience look like for you? Thank you!

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