In case you missed it, the astrology this week is bananas.
Mars is acting like an a-hole, plus the Quarter Waxing Moon on Friday is the sidekick Mars needs to help give you a kick in the pants.
3 things you need to know about this Mars and Moon energy:
Mars will show you exactly what you are and are not willing to put up with, it provides the rub you need to hold a boundary, call out injustice, or create space at work and home as you let go of what no longer works for you
The Quarter Waxing Moon is the balance you need to have one-half of your energy in release mode, and one-half of your energy in forward momentum mode
If you do what Mars says (all the things that indicate you need to stop putting up with), you will be rewarded with magic, synchronicity, and clarity (resist, and it will be one h-e-double-hockey-sticks of a fight)
To thrive this week, here’s your to-do list:
Sleep in when you can
Write gratitude lists after a frustrating moment
Organize your kitchen
Take control of your finances and plug financial holes
Ask your boss how you can support them
Tell your friends and fam you love them
Eat dessert every freaking day
Go forward and thrive!
I’m cheering you on.