The Nocturne
The Nocturne
How To Celebrate Beltane 🌼

How To Celebrate Beltane 🌼

Plus a very personal podcast to get you started.

IN THIS EMAIL (Don’t miss a thing!)






Hello there, Moony!

Over the last 18 months, I’ve had huge shifts and changes in my personal life and career.

One of those changes was the closing of my business Morelli Writers.

Three years in the making, several hundred thousand dollars in revenue, a team of writers, and supporting team members, I saw the arrival of AI as impending doom for a thriving business.

And I was right.

AI is a tool we can use for good, but it will ultimately change how writers work, and words are written. It will also drive down pricing for copywriting and marketing needs.

I saw this coming early and pivoted before the marketplace made me do it anyway.

When I closed Morelli Writers, I found myself searching the sky for answers again, and with it, The Nocturne re-emerged. Out of loneliness and disconnection, I revived something I had been running in the background all along.

Big things are coming here at The Nocturne, and I’m excited to share them with you soon.

The biggest piece? Community. The whole of this experience will be focused on community and building community. I hope that’s exciting to hear.

The first Maine-based community event (more on that below this letter) is The Nocturne Nights: Bubbles & Beltane evening out.

Click here to RSVP & I’ll put you on the priority list.

As we prep for more events, more content, more fun — know this:

You are magic.

I am magic.

Community is magic.

Together we can do anything…and we will.

If you’re with me, give me a big ol’ Moony YES! in the comments.

I can’t wait to connect again soon.


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Celebrate Spring & Have a drink by the fire.

(Prosecco, Kombucha, & Seltzer included.)


Sunday, April 30th, 5 pm - 6:30 pm

The Gypsy Rose, Camden Maine

For $25 entry fee you’ll receive one free drink of champagne (or a bubbly mocktail), a free one-card tarot reading, & a special treat to celebrate! Plus, $5 goes to charity!

❗Guarantee your spot and reply to this if you’re coming - I’ll add your name to the priority list! 🎉

Can’t wait to see you! And feel free to bring friends! All are welcome!

Want to share on social media? Here’s the link.


Welcome to the Beltane Bonanza!

May 1st is right around the corner, and in today’s episode, I’ll be sharing all the fiery goodness of Beltane, what it is, why it’s important to honor, ways to align with its magic, and a sweet release of the remaining BS of winter.

But Beltane isn't just about frolicking in the fields and embracing your inner wild child (especially for us skeptics). It's also a time to honor the feminine energy of creation and abundance and connect with the natural world as Spring is in full bloom.

Plus, I explain why Beltane is especially important to me this year and how I’ll celebrate.

When you’re done listening, check out the ritual below and comment with questions!

Have a friend who needs this episode? The more, the merrier! Click to share!




  • Pen and journal

  • Amber Crystal (Shop here to find yours!)

  • Frankincense Incense

  • A bouquet of lilacs, cherry blossoms, and dog roses (if you can! Otherwise, daffodils from the garden are great, too!)


  • Gather the candle, incense, bouquet, and your journal and pen together 

  • Light the incense and stare out the window for a few moments or wander your garden for a smidge 

  • Once you feel settled, take your journal and answer the following prompts:

    • Where have I felt lost or lonely over the last seven months? What truths emerged from that loneliness?

    • As Beltane begins May 1st, what feels like it's blooming in my life right now? What is exciting about the blooming? 

    • What do I want to dial into over the next 3.5 months? How do I want to feel as Spring moves into Summer? 

Once you’ve finished journaling, take a moment to watch the smoke from the incense and let your thoughts wander. When you feel ready, you can end the ritual by saying aloud or to yourself: I allow my ideas to bloom and the magic within me to show me the way forward. I promise I will listen, and I know I’m not alone. 

Thank you for reading The Nocturne. Have a friend who needs to celebrate Beltane, too? Sharing is caring!


The Nocturne
The Nocturne
Where writers find their voice, discover how to make a living as a writer, and connect with the cosmos for creative growth. Hosted by Licia Morelli, Best-selling and award-winning author of THE LEMONADE HURRICANE & I AM DARN TOUGH (Tilbury House). Head of Arista Management Group Literary Division. Editor & Publisher. Writing features include Vanity Fair, Elite Daily, Bustle, and more.