Feb 26, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli

Pisces sun, Virgo moon, Aquarius rising

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Hi Abby!

Here's your Pisces moon-scope!

As the full moon on March 7th sets the stage for March to be a whirlwind of creative inspiration. When Pisces gets a bit of Earth energy in their lives (as you will with the Earthy Virgo influencing the full moon) your creative work will feel more grounded and contained. You'll also have the energy to fit creativity into your day to day. Your action item for this moon is to read more, write more (even if it's in between a million other things for 5 minutes) and take all the ideas in your head and get them into a to do list on the page.

When you do, the momentum gets going!

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli

Sagittarius Sun (and rising, mercury, Mars lol)

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Hi Empress K!

Here's your Sagittarius moon-scope:

As the Full Moon hits Virgo on March 7th your fire is ready for tamed ignition. Where you've found yourself to be overwhelmed or unable to concentrate on your creative goals, you'll now have clear focus to take action on the projects you've been trying to start. Your action item for this full moon: Make a declaration of process as you begin your next project. Email or text a friend and let them know what you're doing. Give yourself a timeline and have at it. Watch as The Full Moon in Virgo supports your success!

Want more moon guidance? I'm offering extended moon-scopes - specific to the moon you were born under - for $47. Send me an email (licia [@] cardinalmoonpress [dot] com to find out more.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli


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Hi Rebecca!

Here is your Libra moon-scope!

As the full moon makes its way into Virgo on March 7th, the airy and spacey Libra imaginations that have been part of your creative process will find grounding once again. As they land, you'll take action on your creative works and see them through until the end. You'll also seek facts and news ways of using your intellect to communicate your ideas. Take advantage of this grounded energy - the more grounded you are the more visible your work becomes!

Your action item for March: Make sure you get outside as much as possible and thank the land and Earth for holding you here and giving rise to creative inspiration. Watch as things take off in new and exciting ways.

Thank you for playing!

Want more moon guidance? I'm offering extended moon-scopes - specific to the moon you were born under - for $47. Send me an email (licia [@] cardinalmoonpress [dot] com to find out more.

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Thank you so much Licia!!

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli

Libra (sun) Aries (Rising)

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Hi Justin!

Here is your Libra moon-scope!

As the full moon makes its way into Virgo on March 7th, the airy and spacey Libra imaginations that have been part of your creative process will find grounding once again. As they land, you'll take action on your creative works and see them through until the end. You'll also seek facts and news ways of using your intellect to communicate your ideas. Take advantage of this grounded energy - the more grounded you are the more visible your work becomes!

Your action item for March: Make sure you get outside as much as possible and thank the land and Earth for holding you here and giving rise to creative inspiration. Watch as things take off in new and exciting ways.

Thank you for playing!

Want more moon guidance? I'm offering extended moon-scopes - specific to the moon you were born under - for $47. Send me an email (licia [@] cardinalmoonpress [dot] com to find out more.

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Gemini ✨

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023Author

Hi Mary!

Here is your Gemini Moonscope:

As the full moon hits Virgo on March 7th, your Gemini is going to take its thirst for knowledge and generate new creative movement and momentum. With the Earth of Virgo, you'll start building the next foundation to a new house you've longed to create and from it, you'll rise to new heights. Enjoy the ride, Gemini! Virgo is on your side, helping you to focus, communicate and use your intellect for the great good. Your action item: Make sure you're having fun in March! Make plans with friends, go out on the town. Your breaks are just as important for your work and will lead you to new opportunities!

Thank you for playing!

Have a friend who needs this? Send this post their way! The more the merrier!

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli

Aquarius rising Sun in Virgo in the 8th house, Moon in Leo in the 7th house 🥰

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Hi Claudia!

Here is your March 7th Full Moon In Virgo moon-scope:

As the full moon hits Virgo on the 7th, you'll find that this double earth energy will help you find your alignment quickly, easily and with flair. This is a time where you're developing your creative skills and going back to basics. Think about each creative project with a beginner's mind. When you do, you'll find your work is nurturing and fulfilling. Things may feel a bit slow as you get started on the Full Moon and March may feel slow overall but that's only because the Earth element is setting up a foundation for your work and process. April will be much faster! Your action item: Take a new beginner's class on a topic you're already familiar with. See how this information inspires you into action and gives you new perspective on old projects!

Thank you for playing!

Want more moon guidance? I'm offering extended moon-scopes - specific to the moon you were born under - for $47. Send me an email (licia [@] cardinalmoonpress [dot] com to find out more.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli


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Hi Mallory!

Here's your Leo Moon-Scope:

As the full moon hits Virgo on March 7th you'll be on your way to visibility you've been seeking when it comes to your creative work. A new sense of inspiration and self expression is about to take shape. The Virgo Full Moon assists you in garnering the energy you need to create work that gets you the attention you're ready for. Buckle up, Leo! Things are about to be a grounded albeit WILD ride!

Want more moon guidance? I'm offering extended moon-scopes - specific to the moon you were born under - for $47. Send me an email (licia [@] cardinalmoonpress [dot] com to find out more.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli


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Hi Anita!

Here is your Aries moon-scope:

As the full moon enters Virgo on March 7th, you'll start to see the fire of Aries is ignited. Your motivation is high and you may even be up for spontaneous creative work, trying things you haven't tried before and attempting new projects in different genres. The result? Your unique self expression begins to evolve and you feel more enthusiastic about the topics you're taking on! Your action item for the full moon: Make a list of all the "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda" experiences in your creative life and see which one you can resurrect!

Want more moon guidance? I'm offering extended moon-scopes - specific to the moon you were born under - for $47. Send me an email (licia [@] cardinalmoonpress [dot] com to find out more.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli


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Hi Theresa!

Here's your Aquarius moon-scope:

As the full moon enters Virgo on March 7th, you'll notice your Aquarian power-broker tendencies are about to take off. Grounded by Virgo which is stabilizing your lucky manifestation process, you'll also notice an increase in focused communication when it comes to your creative work and inspired action. Your action item for this full moon (and for March in general) is to plant the seeds of what you seek - name out loud your wildest wishes. Write them down on pieces of tissue paper and burn them in a fire. Everything you touch, Aquarian, is about to come true. Make it work!

Want more moon guidance? I'm offering extended moon-scopes - specific to the moon you were born under - for $47. Send me an email (licia [@] cardinalmoonpress [dot] com to find out more.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli

taurus (sagittarius moon + rising)

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Hi Jessica!

Here's your Taurus moon-scope:

As the Full Moon hits Virgo on March 7th your Earth paired with Virgo's Earth creates an opportunity to stabilize your creative endeavors and bring financial gains. What wasn't selling will sell. Where you had creative blocks they will release and you'll find a new sense of generative inspiration which will result in inspiration for your fans and loyal customers - abundance is sure to follow. Your action items to get started are as follows: set up a schedule and stick to the scaffolding. When you do, you'll see immediate momentum!

Thank you for playing!

Want more moon guidance? I'm offering extended moon-scopes - specific to the moon you were born under - for $47. Send me an email (licia [@] cardinalmoonpress [dot] com to find out more.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli


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Hi Naomi!

Here's your Scorpio moon-scope:

As the full moon enters Virgo and its powerful grounded nature, on March 7th, the Scorpio responsiveness and influential nature is at an all time high. People are looking to you and your impressionistic senses to lead AND when it comes to creativity, you're about to start a movement. Ready? Even if you're not, have no fear, Virgo will help you stabilize and create with a full heart of confidence. All you have to do is believe that your inner world is what the outer world is seeking. Your action item for March and the full moon: Let your secrets fly and watch as you influence (in the best ways) the brave new world you're creating for yourself!

Thank you for playing!

Have a friend who needs a moon-scope? Share this post!

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli


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Hi Jessica!

Here's your Aquarius moon-scope:

As the full moon enters Virgo on March 7th, you'll notice your Aquarian power-broker tendencies are about to take off. Grounded by Virgo which is stabilizing your lucky manifestation process, you'll also notice an increase in focused communication when it comes to your creative work and inspired action. Your action item for this full moon (and for March in general) is to plant the seeds of what you seek - name out loud your wildest wishes. Write them down on pieces of tissue paper and burn them in a fire. Everything you touch, Aquarian, is about to come true. Make it work!

Want more moon guidance? I'm offering extended moon-scopes - specific to the moon you were born under - for $47. Send me an email (licia [@] cardinalmoonpress [dot] com to find out more.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli


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Hi Kristen!

Here's your Aquarius moon-scope:

As the full moon enters Virgo on March 7th, you'll notice your Aquarian power-broker tendencies are about to take off. Grounded by Virgo which is stabilizing your lucky manifestation process, you'll also notice an increase in focused communication when it comes to your creative work and inspired action. Your action item for this full moon (and for March in general) is to plant the seeds of what you seek - name out loud your wildest wishes. Write them down on pieces of tissue paper and burn them in a fire. Everything you touch, Aquarian, is about to come true. Make it work!

Have a friend who needs a moon-scope? Share this post! Thank you!

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli


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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023Author

Hi Kirsten!

Here's your Scorpio moon-scope:

As the full moon enters Virgo and its powerful grounded nature, on March 7th, the Scorpio responsiveness and influential nature is at an all time high. People are looking to you and your impressionistic senses to lead AND when it comes to creativity, you're about to start a movement. Ready? Even if you're not, have no fear, Virgo will help you stabilize and create with a full heart of confidence. All you have to do is believe that your inner world is what the outer world is seeking. Your action item for March and the full moon: Let your secrets fly and watch as you influence (in the best ways) the brave new world you're creating for yourself!

Thank you for playing!

Have a friend who needs a moon-scope? Share this post!

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Licia Morelli


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Hi Kathy!

Here's your Leo Moon-Scope:

As the full moon hits Virgo on March 7th you'll be on your way to visibility you've been seeking when it comes to your creative work. A new sense of inspiration and self expression is about to take shape. The Virgo Full Moon assists you in garnering the energy you need to create work that gets you the attention you're ready for. Buckle up, Leo! Things are about to be a grounded albeit WILD ride!

Want more moon guidance? I'm offering extended moon-scopes - specific to the moon you were born under - for $47. Send me an email (licia [@] cardinalmoonpress [dot] com to find out more.

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Hi Melissa!

As the full moon hits Virgo on March 7th your watery wellness and care for your creative process hits an all-time high. With the help of Earthy Virgo and its ability to ground and serve your purpose, you'll start and complete projects with ease and flow. You might also find you're able to being new ventures you've only been dreaming about and with those new ventures you'll find new success in your creative work. People are noticing you, Cancerian! They're ready for your vision to make it's way into the world.

Want more moon guidance? I'm offering extended moon-scopes - specific to the moon you were born under - for $47. Send me an email (licia [@] cardinalmoonpress [dot] com to find out more.

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