Your New Moon In Pisces Creative To Do List ✅
Plus reading recommendations - I did the research for you!
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Dear Cheerful Writer,
As we embrace the new moon's energy in Pisces, a time of heightened intuition and creativity, I wanted to share some tips for harnessing this celestial energy in your creative endeavors.
Read and Absorb: This is a perfect time for reading and taking in information. Immerse yourself in books, articles, and art that inspire you and stimulate your creativity. Here are some articles and books I’ve found to be helpful.
ART AND FEAR by David Bayles and Ted Orland (book)
The Only Real Antidote To Fear by Maria Popova (article)
TRAINING THE MIND and Cultivating Loving-Kindness by Chogyam Trungpa (book)
Brainstorm and Ideate: Use this time to brainstorm and form new ideas. Jot down any thoughts or concepts that come to you, as they may serve as the foundation for future projects.
Activity: Take a blank piece of paper and number it from 1-25. Set a goal to fill out the 25 slots with new ideas that come to you. Will you use them all? Maybe not. Will you train yourself to keep ideating? Yes you will.
Keep Writing Close: Keep your writing close to you during this time. Whether it's a notebook, laptop, or smartphone, ensure that you have a means to capture your ideas whenever inspiration strikes.
I use the Notes app on my computer and iPhone. This ensures that I’ll write my ideas before I forget them. And I do, I always forget them…even when I say I won’t.
My latest note? “Writing and publishing book essentials” which came to me as I was watching “The New Look” on AppleTV last night.
Editing: Use this period for editing your work. Review and refine your writing, ensuring that it aligns with your vision and communicates effectively.
Best way to edit? Read your work out loud to an empty room. It works like a dream.
The new moon energy asks us to go inward and tap into our inner world. If you're trying to pitch to publishers, consider writing query letters during this phase but hold onto them until the full moon for maximum impact. Now is not the time to send out information. It’s about waiting and letting everything simmer.
Use this time to research agents and think about your goals for your published work, allowing yourself to dream about what feels most joyful and fulfilling.
If you've already published and are looking to sell more books, research places where you could do readings and book talks. Additionally, consider creating an editorial calendar for your email list, outlining what you want to communicate to your readers (and reminding them to buy your books!).
Embrace the energy of the new moon in Pisces, and let it guide you in your creative pursuits. May this be a time of inspiration, growth, and abundance in your creative endeavors. Let the quiet guide you and allow new work and action items to emerge.
What will you do to indulge the inward reflection of this new moon? Tell me in the comments.
Happy New Moon!
I love the actionable tips in this one! Especially the notes app - how exactly do you organize them? Do you just have one note with ideas or one note per idea, etc? Maybe you can expand on this in another newsletter.
I’m also doing a lot of reading right now! And journaling while reading my self-development books. It helps me think about how to apply the information or find gaps that I want to explore. Weirdly, I’ve been reading one fiction novel and one self-development book in tandem lately. Not sure why, but it’s been pretty great to do both types of reading every day.
What will you do to indulge the inward reflection of this new moon? I'll start. I'm doing a lot of reading right now. Fiction, non-fiction, craft books, buddhist studies books (I'm doing a 1-month meditation retreat this summer) and more. It's helping me ideate in much bigger ways and filling my cup so I can help my clients and more!