If you’re not watching the LAST OF US or just watched episode 3 and had, as my friend Erin said to me in a text, “One of the best experiences in episodic television I have ever had,” I highly recommend you read my reviews below:
Here’s a reel if you like Linda Ronstadt
Here’s an image carousel if you prefer Pedro Pascal in a static image.
Once you read it, comment on the post and let me know your thoughts!
Are you watching? Do you love it? Comment below and let me know.
Image credit: @thelastofus
The Full Snow Moon is happening on February 5th.
Here’s an easy-to-do Full Moon ritual for you.
In the post, you’ll discover what this moon is good for, how it will help your creative process, and ways to honor it so you can make the most out of its energy.
Image original art by Cult.Class
I’m reading SEA CHANGE by Gina Chung and loving it right now! I’ll have a review out soon.
Until then, here’s my review of KLARA AND THE SUN by Kazuo Ishiguro, which I loved.
Have a book you’re reading that you love? Comment below and make a recommendation!
Image credit: Licia Morelli
I’ll be back in your inbox soon!
I'm loving THE LAST OF US. Episode 3 broke my heart in all of the best ways.