To get back into my writing routine, I'll be sending a daily email for 30 days, March 10th - April 10th. Feel free to unsubscribe if this isn’t for you.
Hello Hello, Cheerful Writer!
Yesterday I was working on an essay and, as I wrote, my ego was relentless. With every sentence, it whispered negative thoughts about my writing and my abilities.
“You’re not good enough. You don’t belong here. No one needs to read your work.”
On and on it went.
But then, something shifted.
From deep within, a voice emerged telling my ego to be silent. At that moment, I realized that I didn't have to listen to the negativity.
I could tell my ego to shut up and leave me alone. (I may even have said this out loud.)
And onward I wrote.
Eclipse season is upon us, and the upcoming lunar eclipse on March 25th, alongside the full moon, brings a powerful opportunity to release stagnant energy and break free from feelings of writer's block, self-doubt, and unworthiness.
This is the gift of the eclipse: the ability to shed emotional and physical burdens that hinder our progress. It's about releasing what no longer serves us and embracing a renewed sense of confidence and self-assurance.
Are you feeling the effects of the eclipse energy? If so, I invite you to join me in a simple yet powerful writing prompt:
Writing Prompt:
Set a timer for 15 minutes.
Write down every negative thought your ego is currently telling you.
When the timer goes off, take that piece of paper and burn it, symbolically releasing those negative thoughts and embracing a newfound sense of confidence and self-belief.
Let this lunar eclipse be a catalyst for positive change in your writing and your life.
Embrace the energy of letting go, and welcome in a renewed sense of empowerment and creativity.
Hit reply to this email (it comes straight to my email inbox!) and let me know:
What is the worst thing your ego has told you lately and how will you let it go?
Are you looking forward to the eclipse energy?
What’s one thing you will be letting go of during the full moon and eclipse?
Happy Writing!