On Friday, August 5th, the quarter waxing moon in Scorpio is here.
It’s also a delightful Void Moon which means there are a few hours it’ll be on its own, floating through the night sky without any influence from other planets behaving badly.
This moon takes no shenanigans and will help you right the train back on the tracks after this wacky week.
It’s also a moon that will give you good boundaries AND will support you in NOT putting up with any malarky.
So, if you’ve been feeling off for the last few days, you’re not alone. A few things were happening in the heavens that left you reeling.
Mars and Uranus threw a temper tantrum on the North Node of the Moon.
The Earth has reportedly started spinning faster than usual, resulting in its shortest day ever. WHUT. (Source: CBS News)
And finally, the moon was in Libra for a few days trying to find balance but was definitely in an uphill battle with the badly behaved planets.
So what does this mean for you?
Well, I’m not an astrologer, but for the last 15 years as a psychic, I’ve studied the moon and its influence on our spidey senses, and here’s what I can tell you:
Friday’s moon is all about recovering your power and confidence. It will help you tap into your inner awesome and with ease.
It’s the Scorpio way, after all.
Plus, this moon is the prep work for the Full Sturgeon Supermoon coming on August 11th.
Sounds pretty good, right?
Here’s a 5-minute Quarter Waxing Moon Ritual to complete today, tomorrow, or over the weekend.
Quarter Waxing Moon in Scorpio
Bowl of water with salt
Notebook to journal
Pen or pencil
Light your candle and place it next to the bowl of salt water
Sit quietly, noticing your breath for a minute or two
When you're ready, journal about the following questions
Where in your life do you feel most secure?
Where in your life do you feel least secure?
What’s one confidence-building activity you can ask the moon to support you with this weekend?
Once complete, blow out the candle and say thank you out loud. Pour the water in a plant or on the ground.
And you’re done!
Comment below and let me know: Will you do the ritual over the next few days?
PS. Are you…
Looking for Direction?
A push forward?
Ready to embark on a new career journey but totally lost as to which direction you need to go?
I’m currently opening up my 1:1 Psychic readings. If you’d like a reading, reply to this email, and I’ll send you all the details.
PPS. New to this list? On August 30th, I’ll be announcing the FREE 15-minute reading winner.